California American Water Engineering Support and Inspection Master Service Agreement
Agency Name: California American Water
Project City: Los Angeles, Ventura, San Diego, Imperial Beach, Sacramento Counties, California
Key Dates: 2019 – Present
Overall Project Budget: $1.2 Billion
Project Delivery Method: Design-Bid-Build, Design-Build
Project Description:
O2EPCM has an Engineering Master Service Agreement (MSA) with California American Water (CalAm). General Engineering Services include at a minimum: Studies, Preliminary Engineering, Design, Bidding, Construction Administration, Staff Augmentation, Professional and Consulting Services. Projects include water and wastewater facilities.
Typical projects include new or upgrading existing water treatment facilities, intakes, wells, pump stations, storage tanks, water mains, wastewater treatment facilities, sewers, lift stations, SCADA and administrative facilities. Specific Task Orders are issued by Owner to O2EPCM throughout the Agreement period and executed based on negotiated scope.
Under the MSA, through various purchase orders, O2EPCM is providing inspection services for several Watermain Replacement, New Development Pipeline installation and Pump Station Replacement & Upgrade and Meter Replacement projects located in the Los Angeles, Ventura, Imperial Beach, San Diego and Sacramento areas in California. O2EPCM, Inc. is the Prime on this contract.